Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day 3... very confusing day start. woke up very early, 'bout 4:30am and thought,.. hmm.. why not make use of the time and head off to the fish market. So, I checked my guidebook.. closed on holidays and some Wednesdays.... SOME wednesdays? What does that mean? That's not helpful and today is Wednesday, don't want to chance it. So, I go on to do other things, catch up with emails and make other plans for the day. I read an email from Mai telling me info about a ceramics class we are considering. I reply to tell her we were going to go to the fish market, but it is Wednesday... when all of a sudden I notice her email says Wednesday and she sent it last night. How can that be? Well, I blame it all on that lose a day when you go to Asia, get it back when you return routine. Anyway, time has ticked along while I figured all this out, but by now mom is awake, so we decide that since its Thursday and we are already awake, why not give it a shot. So we did. We missed the auction, but there was still alot of action going on. We saw more different sea animals than I have ever seen in my like. Giant mussels, baby squid, great big tuna and all sorts of crab and creepy crawly things. It was GREAT! Maybe we'll go back again. 

1 comment:

  1. testing to see if this comment box works. I watched a video on youtube of the fish market auction, seems real cool. And I wish I could go on the boat and fish a fish that size.
